Lent Reading Reflections

Week One

Lent… 40 days of preparation, starting on Ash Wednesday, not including Sundays. Preparation for the celebration of the greatest, world transforming event in history… the resurrection of Jesus Christ!

Lent 2019

The Lenten season is practiced in different ways by different Christian traditions. As I stated in this post from 2014, “This is not about penance or trying to earn or merit anything from God. It’s simply a season to seek God. To reflect. To evaluate.”

Lent 2019 Plan

This year I’m doing three things and invite you to join me for one or more of them.

1. Daily Readings With Our Church Family

We are using the Chicago Bible Society plan, which you can download for free HERE. It’s a year long plan that we’re using to read Scripture together as a church family. I like it for many reasons, but especially how it breaks down the church calendar with specific dates.

2. Three Facebook Live Videos Each Week

There’s something about processing scripture out loud and with others. I’ve invited our church to join me and you’re welcome to join us! On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, around 6:45 a.m. (give or take a few mins), I’ll be live on my Facebook Page for 5-10 minutes talking about the reading of that day.

3. Weekly Blog Post

Every Friday through Lent I will share a post of reflections on the readings that week. Below are a few thoughts from Wed/Thurs of this week.

Ash Wed, March 6

Matt 4:1-11
Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil!
Jesus was equipped with God’s Word and answered the devil’s temptations accordingly. There are many lessons in this passage, but for the first day of Lent, I wanted to focus on v. 1. Read the words slowly and reflect on how Jesus started His ministry…
  1. Jesus was led by the holy spirit
  2. Jesus was led by the holy spirit into the wilderness
  3. Jesus was led by the holy spirit into the wilderness to be tempted
  4. Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil

Thurs March 7

Psalm 52
The context of the Psalm is 1 Sam 22. Saul was pursuing David, when Doeg the Edmonite gave Saul his location. He basically stabbed David in the back!

It can be difficult to be seeking to do the right thing and live the right way and yet see the wicked or unrighteous people prosper.

vv. 1-6 turn us back to reality. Marinate on those verses.

Then v. 7 gives the ultimate contrast… trusting in riches is temporary. They may get riches in this life, but ultimately lose it in the next… completely miss their purpose.

BUT… the life of the person who walks with God is much different. He or she does not trust in their riches or in the apparent safety of the world. They put their trust in the hesed, the covenant loyalty of God. He ALWAYS fulfills His promises. David said he trusts the Lord covenant loyalty forever and ever.

Waiting, especially in grief or loss can be very hard. Or just waiting in a line to get food! But because of God’s covenant loyalty we can wait on Him, as David concluded… “for it is good.”

  • Whether it’s waiting during a season of singleness, loss, grief, uncertainty, or confusion. Lean in to the Lord, pour out your heart to Him.
  • Waiting is paramount to the Lenton season as we think about what Jesus did on the cross. He suffered like no human can imagine. The next few weeks are all about waiting and reflecting, leading us to the cross, and then to the victory we have because of Resurrection Sunday!
  • Hallelujah… v. 9 (ESV) “I will thank you forever,  because you have done it. I will wait for your name, for it is good, in the presence of the godly.”

I hope you’ll join me throughout the Lenten season and our hearts will be encouraged together.

QUESTION: do you practice Lent? If so, how do you practice it?