I RARELY shave with a razor and keep an ongoing five o’clock shadow. After a few days it get itchy and doesn’t look very good (IMO). I HATE shaving! Maybe you can relate? During this time of physical distancing and quarantine most of us don’t have to shave as much… I’ve heard we look much smoother on camera, is that right?

So I had a thought…, “How can I combine growing a beard and helping others?” And, “How can I invite others to join me?”
Answer: The #CoronaBeardChallenge! I will outline the details of
the challenge below. But first I thought it might help to share a little beard history.
The Church Fathers had strong words to say about beards (not specifically related to a virus… but stay with me). This writer (me!) doesn’t necessarily hold their views, but it’s at least interesting to note what they said.
The following is taken from the 2016 post on churchpop.com, “4 Church Fathers on the Manly Power of Beards.”
St. Augustine (5th century)

The beard signifies the courageous; the beard distinguishes the grown men, the earnest, the active, the vigorous. So that when we describe such, we say, he is a bearded man. (Exposition on Psalm 133, 6)
Lactantius (4th century)

[T]he nature of the beard contributes in an incredible degree to distinguish the maturity of bodies, or to the distinction of sex, and to the beauty of manliness and strength. (On the Workmanship of God, Chapter 7)
Clement of Alexandria (3rd century)

This, then, the mark of the man, the beard, by which he is seen to be a man… “It is therefore impious to desecrate the symbol of manhood, hairiness. […] Let the chin have the hair… For an ample beard suffices for men. And if one, too, shave a part of his beard, it must not be made entirely bare, for this is a disgraceful sight. The shaving of the chin to the skin is reprehensible. (The Instructor, Book 3, Chapters 3, 11)
HOW THE #CoronaBeardChallenge WORKS
Here’s how it works…
STEP ONE: Grow your beard with little to no trimming every week until the coronavirus lock down is over.
STEP TWO: For every week you go without trimming/shaving you donate to a local cause. I’m counting Sunday-Saturday and making my donations on Sunday. My cause is the Manna Food Center. Give on a weekly basis to make an ongoing difference.
STEP THREE: Document your progress with a picture and post to social media using the #CoronaBeardChallenge. Invite and challenge others to join the movement!
That’s it! Are you in?
Dwight Lyman Moody (1837-1899)

Andrew Murray (1828-1917)

AB Simpson (1843-1919)

Ok, it wasn’t the Corona Beard Challenge. But those pastors guys rocked big beards! Not to mention these guys (ZZ Top) ??

WHAT ABOUT WOMEN AND THE #CoronaBeardChallenge
I’m glad you asked! My original idea of challenging women not to shave was met with strong opposition. Instead, simply join another man and give to his cause (spouse, BF, father, son, pastor, friend, etc.). Let’s join forces to do the most good we can!
Grow a Beard ~ Be a Blessing